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Booster Theme Update: Version 6.2.0 Enhancements


Hello Boosters!

Packed with enhancements designed to empower your e-commerce journey like never before – Booster Theme Version 6.2.0

From empowering you to drive conversions with customizable Call-to-Action buttons to streamlining the shopping experience by disabling distractions on the cart page, this update is all about putting you in control. Discover how you can tailor your product display, fine-tune your blog visuals, and add a personal touch to your collection cards with ease. Connecting with your customers has never been easier.


New Features!

1. Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons for Top and Bottom Bars:

You can now amplify user engagement by adding eye-catching Call-to-Action buttons to the top and bottom bars of your website. Easily customize this feature by navigating to the theme customization settings, selecting the desired bar section, and incorporating the CTA button block.

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2. Option to disable “Additional Notes” on the cart page

Take control of your cart page with the option to disable "Additional Notes." Head to the customization panel, access the cart page settings, and toggle the switch to enable or disable this feature effortlessly.

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3. Option to Enable/Disable Quantity Selector

Enhance the shopping experience by customizing the visibility of the product quantity selector. Navigate to the theme settings, specifically the Cart & Add to Cart section, and choose whether to enable or disable the quantity selector according to your preferences.

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4. Customizable Blog Featured Image

Tailor the appearance of your blog posts with the ability to resize featured images. In the theme settings, under blog article settings, you can easily adjust the size of featured images on your blog page to create a visually appealing layout.

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5. Border radius option on collection cards

Add a touch of elegance to your collection cards by incorporating border radius customization. Personalize your online store by adjusting the border radius settings in just a few clicks.

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6. Fading effect on cart page 

We've introduced a fading effect when removing items from the cart. This subtle visual cue ensures that customers are aware of changes to their shopping cart, creating a smoother and more intuitive user interface.

7. Contact Form Integration on few sections.

Boost customer interaction by adding a contact form to the Call to Action, Custom Content, and Image + Text sections. Effortlessly connect with your audience and provide a seamless communication experience.

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Latest bug fix:

Product Page Gallery Slider Fix.

We've resolved an issue where the gallery slider on the product page wasn't functioning correctly without jQuery. Enjoy a smoother product image browsing experience with this fix.

If you want to learn more about the new features and receive guidance on how to set them up, you can visit our Help Center for an in-depth guide. We offer numerous tutorials and guides to assist you in setting up your online store and provide instructions on accessing and configuring new features.

Where to download the new version?


To get the latest version (6.2.0, here's what you should do:


  1. Log in to our Booster Central,
  2. Head over to 'Manage Themes,'
  3. Click the URL of the latest version.


To learn more on how to update your theme, here's a step-by-step guide.



Upgrade Now and Elevate Your Store's Performance!

With Booster Theme Version 6.2.0, we've honed in on the details that matter, ensuring that your online store not only looks great but functions seamlessly.

Upgrade today to take advantage of these enhancements and stay ahead in the competitive eCommerce landscape. As always, we're committed to delivering top-notch features that empower you to create a standout online presence.

Happy boosting! 🚀