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New Feature Release: Discount Pop-up


The Discount Pop-Up feature is now live!

Designed to provide you with enhanced control and customization over your discount offerings, this feature is poised to revolutionize the way you engage with your audience and drive conversions.

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What is the Discount Pop-Up Feature?

The Discount Pop-Up feature introduce a new level of flexibility and sophistication to your promotional strategy. Now, you have the ability to tailor the appearance and timing of your discounts, ensuring they capture attention and inspire action. Here's what you can do with the Discount Pop-Up feature:

  • Pop-up & Pop-up Image Views: Choose between a traditional pop-up or a more visually striking pop-up image to showcase your discounts.
  • Pop-up Show Timer: Set the timing for when the pop-up appears, optimizing its visibility for maximum impact.
  • Cookie Expiration Time: Control how frequently the pop-up is displayed to individual visitors, maintaining a balance between promotion and user experience.
  • Customizable Elements: From the pop-up image to the title, description, and call-to-action buttons, every aspect of the discount pop-up can be tailored to align with your brand and promotional message.
  • Thank You Note Button: Express gratitude to your customers with a personalized thank you note upon successful redemption of the discount.

For a comprehensive guide on utilizing the Discount Pop-Up feature, visit our Help Center now!



How to Access Discount Pop-Up Settings

Customizing your discount pop-up is straightforward and user-friendly. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Customize" section of your theme.
  2. Click on "Theme Settings" on the left-hand side.
  3. Scroll down to locate the options for customizing the Discount Pop-up, including text content, buttons, and links.

Why Use the Discount Pop-Up Feature?

  1. Enhanced Visibility: By leveraging a visually appealing pop-up format, your discounts will stand out and capture the attention of visitors, increasing awareness and engagement.
  2. Increased Conversions: Tailoring your discount pop-ups to resonate with your audience's preferences and interests can significantly boost conversion rates, driving more sales and revenue.
  3. Improved User Experience: With customizable timing and content, you can ensure that your discount pop-ups enhance rather than interrupt the user experience, fostering positive interactions with your brand.

Get Started Today!

Elevate your promotions and drive results with our Discount Pop-Up feature! Download or update to the latest version of Booster Theme now to access the full range of customization options.

Where to download the new version?

To get the latest version, here's what you should do:


  1. Log in to our Booster Central,
  2. Head over to 'Manage Themes,'
  3. Click the URL of the latest version.


To learn more on how to update your theme, here's a step-by-step guide.



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At Booster Theme, we're dedicated to providing innovative tools to empower your e-commerce success. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance our platform. Unlock the full potential of your discounts with the Discount Pop-Up feature today!